Gruppled Pointer jakubsims3: Does not work you Sims3pack ?

streda 4. augusta 2010

Does not work you Sims3pack ?

Nejde vám Sims3pack ?

WARNING! This problem usually occurs when trying to install via sims3packs Merlin TSR or TSR Launcher can only damage the file and does not appear as icon SIMS but more Loverdag here Read Sceond contribution

UPOZORNENIE ! Tento problém väčšinou nastáva keď sa snažíte sims3packy nainštalovať cez TSR Merlin alebo TSR Launcher vtedy môže dojsť k poškodeniu súboru a nemusí sa zobrazovať ako ikonka SIMS ale viac otom Loverdag tu : čítajte druhý príspevok !

Not? So here's how you fix itAs far as this error: Sim3pack I do not see how the icon sims 3 but only as a plain file / reference

NIe ? Tak tu je navod ako ho zprevoznit ! 

Pokial je to tato chyba : Sim3pack sa mi netobrazuje ako ikonka sims 3 ale iba ako obycajny subor/odkaz 
the first Right-click on the file than what you sims3pack not (or do not see how Sims3 icon but as a normal message / file) and let open the program ..
za 1. kliknite pravym tlacitkom mysi na ten subor co vam ako sims3pack nejde ( cize sa nezobrazuje ako ikonka sims3 ale iba ako normalny odkaz / subor ) a dajte otvorit v programe ..

 per second otovori you with window, click the bottom right there and then browse, find component where you installed Sims 3 (usually (C:) / Program Files / Electronic Arts / The Sims 3/Game/Bin it and you have a file of The Sims 3 Luncher then he and get open.

za 2. otovori sa vam okno tam kliknite vpravo dole prehladavat a potom si najdite zlosku kde mate nainstalovane Sims 3 ( typicky : (C:)/Program Files/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/Game/Bin a v nej mate subor The Sims 3 Luncher kliknite nanho a dajte otvorit.
and third Finally, click ok and will open automatically trigger the game (unless it is really Sims3 pack: p)

a za 3. nakoniec kliknete ok a automaticky sa vam otvori spustac hry ( pokial to je naozaj sims3 pack :p )

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